This website is intended for illustration purposes, a visualisation, if you will, for a non-profit, non-commerical
role-play game featuring both horses and equine competition. Names, places, shows, classes and awards are completely
made up for gaming purposes only. Any resemblence to people, horses, and facilities, is completely coincidential.
Hasta La Vista, and all descriptions thereof, is an imaginary farm that doesn't exist in reality.
The creator lives out her dream of owning a riding stable through profiles that foal, and it's rearing, promoting the young
horse and training older horses. No harm was intended to the owners, riders or breeders of a horse. The creator merely
aims to learn as much as possible about real life horse breeding through the game, by managing her own imaginary farm.
Prizes, winnings or earnings awarded to certain horses are virtual credits, and not real money.